Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why Hypnosis Is Better For Stress Than Meditating

***** Stress Is The Life Killer

Stress is the greatest problem for people in the modern world, and it's much worse than just health problems such as heart attacks that are brought on by too much stress for way too long.

Stress impacts EVERYTHING.

Stress kills our libido, our enjoyment of life; stress causes disturbed emotions of anger, rage, sadness and depression; stress makes us clumsy; stress causes us to make mistakes and worst of all, stress makes us think stupid thoughts (we become "stress stupid") and it cuts off the internal flow to our creative and innate talents and abilities.

It is clear that we ALL need to de-stress, whether we are teenagers who suffer from acne and migraines as a result of stress, men and women in "anger management", authors who suffer from writer's block, business people who burst a blood vessel, or parents at home who aren't enjoying their kids but end up screaming at them instead.

So how do we de-stress, and urgently, and FAST?

***** Why Stress & Meditation Are At Odds

Many hold that meditating and meditation is the answer to stress.
Meditating and meditation is the act of entering into altered states of consciousness, to widen our conscious awareness and to re-connect with the superconsciousness of our energy mind (subconscious mind, subconsciousness).

This does not happen when we are stressed - a person under stress is like a TV that isn't tuning properly. Everything is disturbed, mad, doesn't fit together, there is no clarity.

Trying to meditate when you are stressed is like trying to be romantic with a pick axe embedded in your forehead - try as you might, it's not going to work very well if ever at all.

So we have the classic Catch 22 and another big stressor to add to all of that stress - a stressed person is TOLD to relax and go away and meditate, but they can't meditate because they're way too stressed!

***** Why Hypnosis Is The Best For Stress

Long before a person who is under a lot of stress can even BEGIN to enjoy harp music to relax them even further, they need to be made to slow down into other states of being, and for that you need HELP.

"A good talking to" by a sympathetic other is the most NATURAL way of getting rid of stress invented by human kind, and it even exceeds physical touch approaches in high stress situations; it precedes them too. We "talk" a potential suicide victim DOWN from the top of a building, not massage them off; we "talk" an angry man with a gun down into lowering it, we don't pat him on the back.

That is exactly where hypnosis comes in to help with stress.

Hypnosis is DESIGNED to assist people to ENTER INTO AN ALTERED STATE of meditation - that is the first purpose of hypnosis, and its speciality.

Often people get confused by the "instructions" or the content of hypnosis - the post hypnotic suggestions for change that take all the attention, but it is the fact that hypnosis brings people into the restful meditative state where they even become RECEPTIVE to suggestions, ideas, visions and new thoughts is where the power of hypnosis to heal the mind actually lies.

***** From Hypnosis To Meditation - Breaking The Stress Loop

"Going into trance" is something that we learn and we are taught when a hypnotist talks to us, and talks us down from the stress of the thoughts that fly here, there and everywhere, into a relaxed state of clarity, and peace, where your body is at ease and mind healing can finally begin.


It is a learned skill that gets ever better with practice.

So my recommendation to combat stress, and to learn how to relax and EVENTUALLY to be able to meditate successfully, which then leads to being able to control one's own stress levels in the real world and to be able to relax and de-stress even in the middle of a stressful situation, is to DO HYPNOSIS - and LOTS OF IT.

Rather than to hopelessly try and "find inner peace" so necessary for mind healing without guidance, do hypnosis inductions. This is as easy as sitting down in a chair, putting on the headphones and letting the hypnotist do their job.

Hypnosis CDs, mp3s and tapes are readily and freely available; there are MANY free downloads and trial downloads available.

Try many, and if you find a hypnotist that YOU GET ON WITH, someone you find relaxing to listen to and who can make you feel safe, relaxed and you can feel your stress begin to drain away as they speak with you, you have struck "Anti-Stress Gold".

Now you have a tool to help you break out of the stress loop.
Use this hypnotist to de-stress you regularly and as often as you possibly can.

You will find after a few repetitions that you LEARN TO LEARN TO RELAX and HOW YOU DO THAT.

Now, you are ready to start meditating on your own.

***** Anti-Stress Meditation In The Moment

When you are out and about in your daily environment and you notice your stress levels rising, remember your hypnotist and what they said, just for a moment. Find out if you can feel your stress beginning to flow away. Even if your stress abates just a little bit, you can know that you are now on your way - you have started to learn to control your states of being, your states of mind.

This is the beginning of a new stress free life.

Life will ALWAYS be stressful.

We need to learn to be able to notice when we're stressed, and to step
back from that into the clarity of altered states.

That is what hypnosis teaches you, teaches you easily, and just for the listening, no willpower required at all.

When you have learned the basics of relaxation, THEN and only THEN are you ready to begin to meditate on your own, or to use meditation devices that require these basic skills of knowing how to shift state in the first place.

***** Hypnosis, Stress & Meditation - In Conclusion

Using hypnosis for stress relief doesn't mean that you should only look at hypnosis programs designed for stress alone. Remember that what you want to learn is the skill of altering your states of being, so that you can also then meditate and get all the health benefits from that; but more importantly even still, so that you can de-stress yourself in REAL LIFE.

You can choose ANY good hypnotist, and ANY good hypnosis program that excites you, in a double benefit, because it is not the CONTENT, but the hypnosis skills themselves you need to learn to put an end to being in stress states all the time.

You can choose intelligence enhancing hypnosis programs; mind healing programs; performance programs, health programs - the CONTENT is irrelevant and just the icing on the cake.

Hypnosis is a WONDERFUL and incredibly USEFUL tool for dealing with the human mind, for healing the mind, and for getting our thoughts and
conscious mind under control.

Explore. Find a GOOD hypnotist who can teach you the life saving skill of going into trance, and you get control not just of your stress, but of your entire WORLD.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

5 Important Tips To Managing Your Stress

At one point or another, we all have to deal with some type of stress. The important thing is to prevent it from taking over our daily life, and this can often be done by observing a few simple ways to keep emotions high and the blues at bay.

Pet your pet. For years, experts have agreed that pet owners may lead happier, healthier lives thanks to their four-legged friends. Gently stroking a cat or dog is believed to lower stress and increase happiness.

Take a hike. Studies have shown that walking at least 30 minutes each day may help to significantly ease stress. It doesn't matter whether you walk outdoors or indoors using a treadmill; the important thing is to get up, get moving and get rid of your stress.

Common scents. Many people relax to their favorite scented candles, but few know that certain scents have a calming effect that may actually reduce stress. Lavender, vanilla and other fragrances that you may find especially soothing may be just the ticket to a stress-free day.

Just breathe. There's an old saying that recommends taking a deep breath and counting to 10 to soothe anger. Well, the same is true with stress. Breathing in rhythm may improve positive emotions as it helps to promote activity in the area of the brain that's responsible for good thoughts. Positive thinking can lead to happiness, which is one sure way to stop stress.

Treat yourself. Whether you're feeling a little blue or just need a quick pick-me-up, take time to be good to yourself. Have a sip of your favorite beverage, indulge in a light snack to tempt your tastebuds or just take a break. When one errand runs into another and days seem to fly by so quickly that we barely even notice them, it may be time to get out of the rut and take a moment to enjoy life by treating yourself to something great.

The information contained in this article is designed for reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in place of or in conjunction with professional medical advice regarding a treatment or cure for stress. For additional information, a diagnosis and/or treatment advice, consult a licensed physician.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Managing The Stress In Your Life

While we often worry about stress, not all stress is bad. We need a certain amount of stress to make our lives interesting. And since there is no way to eliminate every commitment or deadline in our lives, we should try to control our stress levels in the best ways we can.

It would be nice if someone created a mathematical formula for stress that would measure how much stress an individual could take without become overwhelmed. Optimal stress levels vary from individual to individual, however, as well as from situation to situation. Some situations that would make you feel very stressful are considered fun and invigorating to someone else. People who love constant change in their lives would feel too much stress in a tedious, mundane job. You can see how different people’s definitions of stress may be. Scientists believe that many illnesses are directly related to stress. If you find that you are sick a lot of the time, or that you feel nervous often, you must develop effective strategies to cope with your stress level. Otherwise, you could be open to serious physical deterioration. Stress management is a practiced art, however. You will not relieve your stress in one day; you must keep at it and eventually, you will discover methods that work for you.

A first step is to learn what things make you stress out. While you may not be able to eliminate these things, you can work to make them more manageable. If cooking dinner causes stress, for instance, you may consider getting take-out food once a week to give yourself a break. If giving a presentation at work worries you, maybe you can learn to focus on just one section at a time and reduce your stress in that way. If commuting to work makes you stressful, leave a little earlier. It will become easier to address your overall stress if you discover the things that cause it and then try to limit their impact.

The next step is to try to reduce your emotional reactions to the things that stress you. You may find that these stressors make you think in a negative fashion, focusing only a situation’s worst aspects. Try, instead, to think of a stressor as a chance to improve your life. Try to see if you are overreacting to a situation. It may be that every stressor you encounter does not require an urgent response. Maybe you can take some time to study a situation before it bothers you. Think of yourself as in control – while you may not be able to do anything about the stressor itself, you can control how you feel about it.

Be sure to be aware of any physical reactions you have to stress. Deep-breathing techniques can help you decrease your heart rate, for example. If you have severe reactions, consult your doctor to determine if medication can help you. You can also reduce your stress levels by making your body stronger. Do aerobic activities three times per week, and make sure you eat nutritious foods. Avoid stimulants like sugar and coffee. And recognize that stress is a part of life. While it can’t be eliminated, you can develop coping strategies that will help when you feel overwhelmed.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Should We Avoid Carbs?

Very complex carbs (dietary fiber) also have a very complicated molecular structure, and also are resistant to most digestive enzymes produced by the human body. As a result, they cannot be broken down into glucose or other nutrients at all. This is why fiber transits the intestinal tract largely undigested. This has a knock-on effect on the speed of digestion of other carbs around them. For example, where certain starches are "protected" by indigestible fibrous wrapping, the enzymes cannot get to grips with the starch as fast as normal. Also, the presence of soluble fiber in the stomach and intestine typically creates a viscous mass of digesting-food in which carbs and enzymes take longer to mix. Result? Carb digestion slows down.

As we have seen, because the human body runs on glucose all carbs are converted into glucose in the digestive tract. The glucose then enters the bloodstream and thus contributes to a rise in "blood-glucose".

Blood Glucose Must be Kept Within Limits

A very high level of glucose in the blood is toxic, while a very low level is detrimental to bodily functions. Therefore the body has a system to regulate the amount of glucose in the bloodstream to ensure that it remains balanced within safe parameters. This glucose balancing system depends upon two mechanisms: hunger and insulin.
Low Blood Glucose Triggers Hunger

If blood-sugar levels drop, the brain causes us to feel hungry. Result? We eat food that is then converted into glucose and our blood glucose levels rise. If we don't eat and blood-glucose levels fall too low, we trigger the condition known as hypoglycemia.

If we eat a diet that contains too many high GI carbs (carbs that are rapidly converted into blood glucose) we force our body to respond by releasing equally large amounts of insulin into our bloodstream to cope with the glucose. Over time this excessively high level of insulin can cause the "insulin-receptors" in our cells to become less sensitive to insulin.

The hunger-or-insulin see-saw mechanism works well, provided that we don't eat too many high glycemic index (GI) carbs that are rapidly converted into glucose. When this happens, when a LARGE amount of glucose enters the bloodstream (called a "sugar spike"), the system responds by releasing a LARGE quantity of insulin. (It thinks we've eaten a huge amount of food.) The amount of insulin is so large that not only does it disperse the food-glucose we have just eaten, it disperses a lot more. Result? Our blood glucose falls too low. So, within a short time (about 2-3 hours) the brain tells us to feel hungry and we recommence eating. This rapid rise and fall in blood glucose, caused by excess production of insulin, is not good for our health or our eating habits.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Play To Your Amusement With Stress Management Balls!

For managing the stress, there are two types of methods such as temporary methods and the permanent method. Temporary methods are many, but the permanent method is only one—meditation! That is the ultimate stress management product.

Meditation leads to a state of supreme happiness. But in this mad race of materialistic world, many say that they don't have time for meditation. What a strange paradox! Meditation leads you to happiness. And you don't find time to become happy! Don’t feel alienated with stress and be in the know of stress management balls.

Coming to the contemporary methods of stress relief, one of the popular one is—achieve stress relief through stress balls. When you are under stress, to remain without activity will add more to your stress. You are restless, and to find a way out, take something in your hand, and squeeze it. Play with it in style. It will take care of your tensions and concerns. It is a sort of diversion from the brooding state of your mind. You have something else to do than the useless thinking that goes to increase your stress and tension. Stress balls are found to be good at their limited stress relief act.

Why these stress balls do what they do- to relieve stress to some extent? Before answering this question, let me tell you the common reasons for your stress. Motivated desires are the cause for your stress. When such desires are not fulfilled, you begin to worry and this mounting worry is the cause of your stress. You expect your particular wish to fructify in a particular manner. When that does not happen, you are frustrated and the stress process begins.

The stress balls are available for the asking. You get them in departmental stores, job fairs, business/industry gatherings. They perform their job well, and you feel good handling them. You feel, as if you are engaged in some creative activity. You enjoy that unique, relieving noise. You feel some good activity is happening. It is plain joy, no reward of punishment activity. In fact, to play with it is equivalent of doing some exercise. So, it gives the benefit of an exercise and reduces the level of stress.

Another variety of stress balls is liquid balls. They too are excellent to relieve your worries. You will not get much resistance as you work out on them, but the unique feel good experience, will relieve you of the stress. You get stress balls in pairs also. This is a Chinese variety. Rub and bang the balls against each other. The peculiar noise and the physical activity work like a double benefit scheme. The desired object, stress management is achieved.

Management business is to manage…and in this case, why not do it with stress balls?

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