Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Your Diet affects the Development of Depression

Having depression can be quite… well… depressing. Pardon the lack of an appropriate expression, but the main thing is that we all know that depression can be pretty devastating. It is a hindrance to our social advancement as well as to our personal happiness.

There are some cases that people find a relief for depression by eating food or diet supplements that boost up the level of tryptophan.  Tryptophan is a kind of amino acid that is responsible in producing serotonin.

There is also a study that proves that carbohydrates is an anti depression supplements. It lessens the premenstrual syndrome for about three hours.  

Simply by eating a high density of carbohydrates can diminished the effect of depression in the body. Carbohydrates repair the imbalance in the ration of the specific fatty acid. Imbalances of fatty acids can affect the risk of depression.

There is also a study that shows an association between moderate consumption of caffeine drinks which lower the symptoms of depression; any excess can heighten the risk.   Proper diet also helps to lower the tendency of committing suicide, in which depression is one of the primary causes. In this study, the doctors have formulated that by drinking coffee or tea, you can reduce the effect of depression.

There are also certain habits that contain harmful substances that may trigger the symptoms of depression, like drinking alcoholic beverages, too much cigarette smoking, and drug overdose.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Decisions in Healing the Hidden Self

What should I do? Should I invite my friends over for a party? We all have to make decisions. Our decisions determine in most instances the results. If you invite your friends over for a party for example, and intend to drink alcohol beverages knowing that tomorrow you have to work. Are you ready to face the consequences?

We can learn to make good decisions by examining the consequences of our choices. If you know that you must work tomorrow, why take a chance on partying the night before when we all know parties can get out of hand. If you can regulate and control the time you spend at the party, then there is no problem. You can make it to work the next day with a fresh mind.

If you go over your limits, you likely will lose REM sleep, which ultimately weakens your awareness. You will find it difficult to stay focused at work.

Decisions also determine our faith in the process of healing the hidden self. We must make the right decisions to assist us with self-healing. The problem is we do not always weigh out the decisions we make. For this reason, we all must take time to think through our decisions before acting on them.

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5 PROVEN Tips To Help You Wipeout Your Depression So You Can Live A Happy Life

Are you lonely?

Did you know that being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives.

Lets face it, we've all been there.

We get depressed when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away.

That's just part of life.

But, depression, however, can be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render Life-Long consequences that could ruin your Self-Esteem, Health, and Well-Being in the process.

Well today is your lucky day because I'm going to share with you some great tips to help you conquer the 'Melancholy Mood' so you can get the MOST bliss out of your daily activities.

So, with that said, lets go to Tip #1.

Tip #1. Do you get enough Light and Sunshine?

Did you know that lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone called Melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and/or a lethargic condition.

Melatonin is only produced in the dark. What it does is it lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish.

So, if you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Body Massage for Relaxation, Health Improvement and Sensual Pleasure

By massaging your friend or living partner and let him or her do the same to you, you will both get emotionally closer to each other, and both get several health benefits. Massaging will benefit the mental state of the person you work on, the muscular condition, the blood circulation and the lymph drainage. However, what you want to achieve, will determine the exact technique you use.


This type of massage is very good for relaxing tense muscles and a stressed mind.

You perform this massage by rubbing or gripping across the direction of the muscle fibres or across tendons. You take one area after the other. You begin by massaging each area lightly, superficially and slowly to warm up, and then proceed by massaging deeper, firmer and more swiftly.

According to the size and conditions of the area you treat, you can use different types of manipulation. You can use a couple of fingers at a small area, or to reach deep into a tense point You can rub with all your finger tips or with the palm of your hand at greater areas. To get a harder effect, you can use your finger knuckles.


This type of massage will give the following effects: Stiffness will be reduced or cured, and the muscles will gain in mobility. The muscles will get better blood supply and drainage. The muscles will get a better drainage of tissue fluids into the lymph system, and thereby swollen muscles will normalize. These effects will in turn make tired muscles faster regain good condition.

By this massage you stroke along the direction of the muscle fibres, and always in the direction of the blood stream towards the heart.

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Body Care Shows That You Care

Few things show that you care about your life, your happiness, your relationships and ultimately your destiny like good body care. You only have one life to live, so why not live it well. Why not take the time and effort to have good body care and to love yourself.

Good body care is easy and hard all at the same time. It is easy in that it is really possible to have a longer, healthier life if you have good body care habits now. It is hard, however, because it means breaking old habits and working hard to make new habits. Begin any new body care program first by making goals for yourself. Where do you want to be in a year? What kind of life do you want to be living? What kind of health and fitness do you want to have? Starting your body care with goals and then sharing them with someone is one of the most effective ways to make victory possible.

Body care begins with really caring about your body. It sounds simple and redundant even, but it is true. You will never see significant changes in the condition of your body unless you deeply care that your body is healthy and vibrant. I don't know what it will take for you to be really convinced about the importance of good body care. I can only hope that you have read enough health warnings and perhaps even seen what poor health has done to your family and friends enough to make changes for yourself.

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