Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Body and Mind-Sex and Stress

Have you ever wondered that the role of testosterone in enhancing libido and enhancing erections in men cannot be its only role? There are many other roles and biological effects of testosterone other than its known presence in bodily fluids. It has been blamed for excess hair loss (medical name-Androgenetic alopecia) although the molecular steps of hair loss in men and women are not fully understood.

This hormone is secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although men produce more of it. Various kinds of mental behavior are not only subject to influence by environment and genetics but also day-to-day hormonal changes. For example, stress can also inhibit testosterone synthesis and hence lead to decreased levels of it secretion.

Some goods news has recently emerged. Recent studies have shown that to keep stress at bay you should frequently engage in penetrative penal-vaginal sex. Unfortunately many people from all walks of life find that under stress, they do not have the desire to have sex and even creates undesirable side effects such as sexual dysfunction.

A brilliant study (Biological Psychology, volume 71, page 214) showed that sex but more preferably intercourse is much more effective in combating stress then other sexual activity such as masturbation. As intercourse is more linked with less blood pressure and less stress this cause’s better psychological and physiological function. Also orgasms for women during penile-vaginal intercourse are better for physiological behavior but not so much for orgasm during other sexual activities. As some of us are nervous about speaking in public or stage fright as its commonly called are being recommended to have sex (not on the stage of course) for the stress calming effect.

It is thought when a couple makes love the neurotransmitter oxytocin released relaxes the body and decreases blood pressure hence also preventing stress. Oxytocin is secreted by the brain and other organs including the ovaries and testes. It is believed that oxytocin is significantly decreased during the stress and infusion of the hormone relieves stress in animal models thereby suggesting a role in regulating some physiological responses to stress.

In the light of such elegant studies and lack of public stress programmes such as screening by government agencies aimed at improving recognition, treatment, and reducing stress and depression primary prevention has become necessary. As stress and depression has become a common disorder with serious many unwanted side effects both in men and women, penetrative penal-vaginal sex could be a primary stress prevention strategy.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Stress- How Time Managment Causes Stress?

For last few decades, every author or speaker on management and self-help has said something about time management. Allocate time, analyze the work pattern, list out the priorities and assign time limits. After all time is life, and one must try to get maximum out of time.

What every one is advising is to streamline the life like a machine. Decide to achieve goals, allocate time, and try to achieve the best in that much time. What about life and living? If these people were to advise the lions in Africa, they would have prepared a time chart for hunting, relaxing, eating sleeping and so on. The lion would have got bored and run away from that consultant. The lion enjoys life on his own terms. He does what gives him joy and forgets the rest. This desire to get best out of time is taking a big toll on very young and old alike around the world. In India, parents give very little free time to a child to be him/her self. It is either school, or classes or homework or a hobby teacher. Everything is structured for a young child. He/she must live life like that and forget the joy of exploring life and enjoying it. Sometimes I wonder that if a time management is appointed to analyze the relaxation patterns and give advice on how we should relax, they will make our life hell. What about creativity? What about enjoying life, the nature, the nights and the sunsets? What about living?

I don't say that time is not important. I don't say that time should be wasted. But I do say that we should not live like machines. We are not made to do like that. We fail to enjoy the pains and pleasures if we live a very structured life. We get stressed. And the stress may at times so overwhelm us that despite all the time management, our performance will suffer beyond repair. No inventive or original thinking can be done in given time. Ask a scientist to sit on a chair and think of a good idea in the given time. He/she will fail without doubt. The mind works and produces best results when allowed to be free of the artificial shackles.

Please manage time, please don't waste time in useless ways of working, but please enjoy your life. Do new things, think, imagine, daydream and watch the stars. We are after all human beings and not machines. Please don't get stressed by these theories of time management. Get the best out of them and enjoy.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Easiest Nutrition Guidelines Ever

The Easiest Nutrition Guidelines Ever

1)Eat For Your Goal-

If needing to lose weight eat below your caloric needs. No more than 30% cut.

If needing to gain weight then eat above. Increase by 15% as needed.

2) Eat for Balance-Get at least 30% of every nutrient in a day (protein/carbs/fats). The other 10% is to do whatever you want with it.

3) Eat the right foods-This goes as follows.

Protein-Lean and Complete (chicken, turkey, egg whites, whey)

Carbs-Fruits and veggies should make up the majority of your diet and be paired with every meal.

Fats-Poly/mono fat balance high(fish oils, nuts, olive oil);Low Saturated fats

4) Eat Often- Eat 4-6 meals a day.

Each meal should contain 1 complete protein.

Each meal should contain 1 carb source of either fruit/veggies.

5) Eat 1 ingredient items-85% of your meals should be of one ingredient items.

An apples ingredients are an apple. An egg is an egg. You can certainly mix and match on ingredient items, but other than that your items 85% of the time should only be 1 ingredient items.

6) Drink Water-1/2 to 1 gallon a day for women who exercises, 1 to 1 1/2 gallon for men who exercise.

That's it. If you stick to that you will get results, plain and simple.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

ADD: Getting Through College With The Least Stress

ADD, ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Article Body:

Many people with ADD find it very difficult to stick to a four-year program at college and to get their degrees. College can be hard for anyone when there are 5 papers due all on the same day. But you have the added handicap of being easily bored and quickly finding distraction. So, though it's no cakewalk for any college student, getting your degree can be particularly hard when you have ADD.

How can that be helped?

Find a school that will work with you and your ADD. Most colleges require 15 credits to be classified as a full-time student, but most will also allow you to take fewer credits, though you'll only be classified as part-time. If this isn't a tax issue for you or your parents, being a part-time student with fewer classes to worry about may be a solution for you.

Another solution would be to take fewer of the required courses that you find it hard to deal with. Maybe take one of those per semester, and fill your schedule with classes that you do like. For instance, what if you absolutely, positively have to take Algebra and Trig during your first semester, and find it very difficult to deal with math? One solution would be to take creative writing, art history, and psychology 101 or any other low-level class, or whatever classes appeal to you, as asides. When you're studying, be sure to give yourself a half hour of math (if you can concentrate that long), a half hour of something you like to do, and then, back to math of another half hour. Or, if your attention span is only 15 minutes, start with math, move to creative writing for 15 minutes, then art history for 15 minutes, and psychology 101 can make up the rest of your hour. Just keep doing this for as many hours as you need to really get cranking with math.

Or, you'll have to find a more flexible college. Some will allow you to design your own major, which is ideal for people with ADD. That way, you'll be concentrating on subjects that you know you can enjoy and really put your hyperfocus into gear and make it work for you.

The whole thing should be about finding a college that's right for you. If you're in school now and having a terrible time at it, transfer to a school that understands your ADD. That comes even before you look for the money because there are always scholarships that you can employ. Yet, if you don't find the right school, you may end up only hoping for a degree instead of really earning one.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Break it Down

Most folks know a small amount about metabolism. Some know all about it, some know only that it happens in our bodies, and others have only heard the word. For those of you out there who are interested in learning a bit more, here it is! Metabolism works in our bodies to synthesize and break down food, or "purines".

Before we go any further on metabolism, we should learn what Purines are. They come from the food that we ingest. Who thought food could have such a fancy name? Purines, by definition are "A double-ringed, crystalline organic base, C5H4N4, not known to occur naturally, from which is derived the nitrogen bases adenine and guanine, as well as uric acid as a metabolic end product."

Now, back to metabolism. Metabolism occurs in living organisms, to sustain life, and/or to synthesize. In humans, it does both. We require such things as nutrients to sustain our being, and metabolism takes these vitamins out of purines. without a metabolism, we would eat and fill up once, never have a bowel movement, and slowly decay from vitamin deficiency.

And there you have it! For you out there who you they know it all, I threw in some big words, and for you out there who don't know the first thing about metabolism, there you go! You can aquire more information on metabolism or purines from books, internet sources, or you doctor.

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