Thursday, April 15, 2010

Stages Of Healing

Stages Of Healing

The body's response to injuries are predictable and depends on time and optimal functioning of the nervous system. Three steps describe the body's response to musculoskeletal injury: the acute phase of subacute and chronic.

The acute phase usually lasts 48 to 72 hours. The main characteristics of this phase are: swelling of the heat, functional limitations, pain and redness. The treatment is to relieve pain, control inflammation and support the tissues.

The subacute phase may take several weeks. This step is expected to improve the symptoms of 5% to 10% every day. The main feature of this phase is the presence of fragile, easily re-injured tissue. Accordingly, it is for someone to do "more" at this stage and return in the acute phase together. A word of warning, "keep the course!" Therefore you do not get frustrated if your pain does not disappear as quickly as I had hoped or expected.

Sometimes the recovery delayed, or incomplete, and the patient can enter the chronic phase. Chronic pain can last for years. The most important feature is the connective tissue in the form of fibrosis and adhesions to shorten.

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